If you receive an error message while placing your order, there could be a problem with the information entered or your credit card/bank might think the charge is suspicious and blocked the transaction. Please verify the billing address you entered at checkout. The billing name and address you entered must match your credit card bill statement address exactly for an order to be processed. Please refer to your credit card company if the problem persists. Give them a call at the number on the back of your card.
Please be advised that multiple unsuccessful order attempts may result in multiple credit or debit card authorizations. Be careful!
If you have received an error message when trying to place an order, we recommend reviewing the following explanations before attempting to process the order again.
The billing address provided does not correspond to the credit or debit card you are using. This is the most common problem as our system ensures the address and zip code match the credit card billing address.
The security code for your card is incorrect. For Visa, MasterCard and Discover, this is the LAST 3 digits on the back of your card. For American Express, it is the 4 small digits located on the front of your card. This must match perfectly or else the card will decline.
The credit card used is not issued within the United States. International transactions often have problems and we always suggest trying Paypal instead if you are outside the USA.
- You credit card/bank thinks the charge is suspicious and blocked the transaction. If you are confident all the information you entered is correct but are still getting a decline then your credit card company/bank could be blocking the transaction. If you call the number on the back of your card and ask them what is going on they will know if this is case and why the card is getting declined.
Each time an order is attempted, a pending authorization will be placed on your account. For unsuccessful orders, these pending authorizations usually drop off in 3-5 business days, dependent upon your bank. We do not control this so please be cautious when entering in your card details.
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