If you encounter a "Special Order" button on the product page, it indicates that the item is not currently stocked in any of our physical stores.
In such cases, we may opt to split your order, shipping the in-stock items first for your convenience.
Please be aware that for special order items, we will need to procure the product directly from the vendor before it can be shipped to you. Your account will be charged at the time of placing the order to initiate this process.
However, there are instances where the vendor may experience shortages due to factors like overall supply constraints, limited editions, or model year transitions, resulting in longer-than-expected wait times.
Rest assured, we're committed to keeping you informed. Expect a follow-up from us within 24 business hours, where we'll provide you with estimated timeframes as we receive them from the vendors.
Should there be any delay in fulfilling your order, we'll promptly reach out to you to communicate the updated ETA. Your satisfaction is paramount, and we strive to ensure transparency and efficiency throughout the entire process.
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